What is Gosford Bay Outdoors?

We are a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

Our purpose is two-fold. The renovation of the Old Towford Outdoor Centre in the Scottish Borders, and to bring young people together regardless of background. In doing both, we hope to improve mental health, to educate, and to create good memories upon which young people can build positive life outcomes.

(Why donate via CAF Online? Our banking is with CAF Bank. To be a member of CAF Online means Gosford Bay Outdoors SCIO as an organisation has been checked up the wazoo – we’re totally above board, and won’t be spending donations on anything other than the Towford OC project.)


By involving young people in the renovation and operation of Towford Outdoor centre, and by providing activities in the outdoors that divert, entertain, and challenge.


An adult team with a combined 75 years of leadership in Scouting – including youth activities and charity management.

Youth membership open to anyone of high school age.

Want to get involved?


For more information, get in touch at news@gosfordbayoutdoors.com, or subscribe below.